Friday, August 30, 2019

2019-2020 Rules and Regulations

1.  Our mission of the Domestic Divas Cooking Club is to simplify life by providing meals for our      families but also for families in need if time and budget allow.

2.  Members must practice serve safe conditions at all times.  This includes washing hands frequently, keeping foods at proper temperatures, etc.  Hair should be kept back and hairnets or hats should be worn at all times.

3.. The Domestic Divas Cooking Club will meet one Wednesday a month (except January, April, June, July, and August).  The dates will be determined by the coordinator but will be sent out to all members before the 2019-20 session begins to allow ample time to request off of work, etc.   We will begin at 8:30 am sharp so if you need time to unload/unpack, please arrive earlier to do so. You can also drop your stuff off at the church the day before cooking club during normal business hours.  Consequences for tardiness will be determined by the coordinator.

4. Prep work tasks are required by ALL members. This is only fair to the people that work hard to coordinate cooking club. Consequences for missed prep work will be determined by the coordinator but may result in a replacement for that month or termination from the group.

5.  It is your responsibility to arrange prep work pick-up with the coordinator.  If you are going to be gone during prep work time, it is your responsibility to make other arrangements.  Failure to do so may result in a replacement for that month or termination from the group.

6. A 30-day notice is required for all members who choose not to participate in Cooking Club for a month or longer period of time.

7.  Members are required to be at the church on the day of Cooking Club.  It takes everyone being present to make the group work.  We are not a supper swap group, so doing meals ahead of time is not a possibility. If you have extreme circumstances and need to do meals ahead of time, it must be approved by the coordinator, Kristin Hirsch.  This is only fair to myself and other members.  Many of us take time off of work (without pay) so we all need to make the commitment for the month.   If you are sick and the group cannot complete all the meals in a fair and timely manner, you may be required to assemble a meal at a later date.

8. If you need to miss any amount of time on cooking club day, you must contact the coordinator via text or phone call. Please contact me directly instead of having someone else spread the word that you won't be there.

9. If a funeral were to take place on cooking club day, our next cooking date would be the next available date (Thursday or Friday). The same would pertain to a snow day (closed schools). Please keep this in mind when planning events, etc. While this would be a rare occurrence, it could still happen.

10. Scheduling appointments on cooking day is not allowed (dentist, doctor, meetings, etc).  We all have appointments to schedule in life and it is not fair to use our cooking club day as appointment or errand day.   The only exception to leave should be to pick up/drop off children or a visit to the hospital ER.  We also do not know when we will be done for sure so it is best not to schedule anything until after 3 pm on cooking day.  If a member needs to leave early, they must let the coordinator know before cooking club date (and cooking club coordinator must approve this).  There is absolutely no reason (except dire emergency) that members should schedule any appointment on this day, since the cooking club schedule is out for the year in August.  If someone is approved to leave early, they must return and help with clean up (sweeping, mopping, etc.). 

11. The maximum number of cooking club members is eight. This ensures a safe and comfortable work environment.

12. Members will be required to do additional tasks such as setting up, grocery shopping, label making, washing towels, etc.  We will rotate these jobs on a monthly basis.  Set-up time can be Sunday afternoon or Monday afternoon.

13. All checks will be due at each Cooking Club for the next month. For example, when we meet in September, everyone is required to bring their check for October. This is only fair to the coordinator who does the shopping and bills can range up to $800. This is a lot of money for one person to fork out (even if they get reimbursed) and I would not expect someone else to do that for me.  If you are not at cooking club, it is your responsibility to get your check to the coordinator (mail, etc).  Failure to do so may result in a replacement.  Also,  if payment is made and grocery lists are done and supplies are bought, and a member suddenly cannot be there (and the circumstance is not approved by the coordinator), the payment may be non-refundable. Paypal can also be arranged with the coordinator if it is more convenient. 

14. If you cannot be there on cooking day due to extreme circumstances, please designate someone to put your meals away or to pick up meals. It is extremely helpful if you are gone, to send someone (friend, family member, spouse) to pick up the meals when they are done. This helps to make sure all the meals are there and they get put away. The coordinator can send a text to the person designated to pick up meals.  You can also ask another member to be in charge of your meals if you are not there.  But it is up to each member to make sure their meals are properly accounted for and put away!

15.  All members will leave Cooking Club at the same time to ensure that all clean-up duties have been done.  Please check in with Kristin or Michelle before you leave to see if anything else needs to be done around the church.

16. A donation to the church will be made each cooking month. We will also provide a ministry meal or two if time and budget allows.  If you must miss or are a fill-in, you are still required to give a donation.  The coordinator has permission to Paypal members or bill accordingly if members are absent and have not contributed to donation. 

17. As a member of the Domestic Divas, I agree to follow these rules.________________________

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