Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Proverbs 31 talks about the wife of noble character. While it might not be possible for us to do all of these things, we can provide a meal for our families and/or for those in need around us. I would have to agree that the Domestic Divas Cooking Club has given us this amazing opportunity. Not only for a time of fellowship, but in coming together to better the community as a whole.

Think and Grow Rich:
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." -Maya Angelou

A few weeks ago I was reading an older edition of "Taste of Home" magazine. I came across this prayer that seems to speak to all of us in so many ways. It is simple but appropriate for all guests.
"For food in a world where many walk in hunger, for faith in a world where many walk in fear, for friendship in a world where many walk alone, we thank You, God. Amen."

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